Youkai Watch | Yo-Kai Watch! | Yokai Watch Staffel 1

Der junge Keita Amano hat eine besondere Fähigkeit: Er kann die normalerweise unsichtbaren Yo-Kai sehen, die sich überall auf unserer Welt befinden. Mithilfe seiner „Yo-Kai Watch“ kann er gute Yo-Kai sammeln und sie im Kampf gegen böse Yo-Kai einsetzen.


Anime Comedy Fantasy


2014 - Unbekannt


Keine Angabe




Shinji Ushiro


Akihiro Hino

1 | Episode 001 | Yo-Kai existieren / Die gruselige Straßenkreuzung
2 | Episode 002 | Das Ding im Wasser / Warum hast du das gesagt? / Katies Geheimnis
3 | Episode 003 | Ein seltenes Exemplar / Yo-kai Möter / Yo-kai Rebelzebub / Möter (2)
4 | Episode 004 | Yo-kai Medallium / Yo-kai Opa Gusto / Yo-kai Amnesimon / Möter (3)
5 | Episode 005 | Möter: Teil 4 / Yo-kai Eulusionist / Lass uns was austreiben!
6 | Episode 006 | Möter: Teil 5 / Yo-kai Leodrio / Yo-kai Miesmücke / Die Pyjama-Party
7 | Episode 007 | Möter: Teil 6 / Hier ist Komasan! / Yo-kai Nein-nein
8 | Episode 008 | Möter: Teil 7 / Yo-kai Zappelfant / Yo-kai Fledalein
9 | Episode 009 | Komasan in der großen Stadt: Hier kommt Komajiro! / Yo-kai Winzikado / Robonyan akti
10 | Episode 010 | Komasan in der großen Stadt: Stadtleben / Yo-kai Jammsel / Die Legende von Shogunyan
11 | Episode 011 | Komasan in der großen Stadt: Die Personenschleus / Yo-kai Prassa / Yo-kai Nixda / Mö
12 | Episode 012 | Komasan in der großen Stadt: Ohrenwärmer / Yo-kai Pupsi / Möter: Gesprengte (Hunde)K
13 | Episode 013 | Komasan in der großen Stadt: Verpflegung für den kleinen Geldbeutel / Yo-kai Schnatt
14 | Episode 014 | Yo-kai Glitzelle
15 | Episode 015 | Yo-kai Wabbelwutz
16 | Episode 016 | Yo-kai Feinschwing
17 | Episode 017 | Yo-kai Griesgramba
18 | Episode 018 | Yo-kai Gargaros
19 | Episode 019 | Yo-kai Baku
20 | Episode 020 | Die Legende von Dandackel
21 | Episode 021 | Yo-kai Willnich
22 | Episode 022 | Yo-kai Katarrnich
23 | Episode 023 | Yo-kai Nascha
24 | Episode 024 | Yo-kai Finstengu
25 | Episode 025 | Jibanyans Geheimnis
26 | Episode 026 | Yo-kai Dreiseha
27 | Episode 027 | The New Yo-kai Watch / The Unboxing
28 | Episode 028 | Here Come the Classic Yo-kai / `s Exorcise (Again!) / Are They Really Cool?
29 | Episode 029 | Springdale Five-Yo: Episode 1 - The Unwilling Occupant / Yo-kai Swelton / Yo-kai Bro
30 | Episode 030 | Springdale Five-Yo: Episode 2 - The Ransom / Yo-kai Pandle / Yo-kai So-Sorree
31 | Episode 031 | Westward Yo!
32 | Episode 032 | Springdale Five-Yo: Episode 3 - The Interrogation Room / Yo-kai Lie-in Heart / Cool
33 | Episode 033 | Springdale Five-Yo Episode 4 - The Stakeout / Yo-kai Papa Windbag / Which One Is Rea
34 | Episode 034 | Springdale Five-Yo: Episode 5 - Shake a Tail / Yo-kai Yoodooit / Yo-kai Enerfly
35 | Episode 035 | Springdale Five-Yo: Episode 6 - Prime Suspect / Titanics of the Caribbean / Yo-kai C
36 | Episode 036 | Springdale Five-Yo: Episode 7 - Imminent Danger Removal / Sgt. Burly / Yo-kai Hehehe
37 | Episode 037 | Fitno-Failure / Springdale Five-Yo: The Finale / Gourmet School Lunch: Preview
38 | Episode 038 | Snack Wars / Yo-kai Verygoodsir / Gourmet School Lunch: Meal 1 Stew!
39 | Episode 039 | Gourmet School Lunch: Meal 2 Pudding! / Yo-kai Failian / Yo-kai Spoilerina
40 | Episode 040 | Yo-kai Top 10 / Yo-kai Count Zapaway / Gourmet School Lunch: Meal 3 Cruller!
41 | Episode 041 | Gourmet School Lunch: Meal 4 Fried Chicken! / Yo-kai Shmoopie / Yo-kai Yoink
42 | Episode 042 | Horror of Dracunyan
43 | Episode 043 | Professor Vacant and the Mysterious Mansion
44 | Episode 044 | Hangin` With Mr. Crabbycat: Lesson 1 / Yo-kai Mimikin / Yo-kai Snottle
45 | Episode 045 | Hangin` With Mr. Crabbycat: Lesson 2 / Every Cold Has Its Thorn(yan) / Yo-kai Sandme
46 | Episode 046 | Hangin` With Mr. CrabbyCat: Lesson 3 / Yo-Kai Supoor Hero / Legend of Poofessor
47 | Episode 047 | Whisper`s Secret Past
48 | Episode 048 | Hangin` With Mr. Crabbycat: Lesson 4 / The Missing Yo-kai Pad / Yo-Kai Report Cards!
49 In Episode 048 enthalten!! | Episode 049 | A Very Christmas / The Koma-Santa Clause / Yo-Kai Ol` Sai
50 | Episode 050 | Hangin` With Mr. Crabbycat: Lesson 5 / The Adams House: The House Cleaning War! / Ve
51 | Episode 051 | Venoct`s Revenge 2: Enemy Camp / Yo-kai Pandanoko / Yo-kai Cutta-nah
52 | Episode 052 | Venoct`s Revenge 3: The Army of Evil / Yo-kai Drizzelda and Ray O`Light / Yo-kai Jum
53 | Episode 053 | Venoct`s Revenge 4: Rubeus J / Yo-kai Dromp
54 | Episode 054 | Old Lady Dream Theater: Act I / Yo-kai Gutsy Bones / Yo-kai Furdinand
55 | Episode 055 | Old Lady Dream Theater: Act II / For Love or Chocolate
56 | Episode 056 | Old Lady Dream Theater: Act III / Yo-kai Wantston / Yo-kai Pupsicle
57 | Episode 057 | Old Lady Dream Theater: Act IV / Yo-kai Daiz / Yo-kai Cap n Crash
58 | Episode 058 | Yo-kai Gimme / Yo-kai Tublappa / Kaptain Komasan!
59 | Episode 059 | Kaptain Komasan and the Mess at Loch Ness / Yo-kai Master Oden / Yo-kai Suspicioni
60 | Episode 060 | Kaptain Komasan and the Kaveman / The Disturbing Life of Toiletta / Yo-kai Copperled
61 | Episode 061 | Kaptain Komasan and the Alien / Yo-kai Enduriphant / Yo-kai Wydeawake
62 | Episode 062 | Kaptain Komasan and the Merman / Burly Blasters / Yo-kai Infour
63 | Episode 063 | Kaptain Komasan and the Buried Treasure / Yo-kai April Fools / Yo-kai Snartle
64 | Episode 064 | Kaptain Komasan and the Yeti / Yo-kai Bruff / Yo-kai Dummkap
65 | Episode 065 | Kaptain Komasan and the Surprise Ending / Sour Milk?
66 | Episode 066 | Gnervous Gnomey / Yo-kai Lafalotta / Dog Days
67 | Episode 067 | Gnumerous Gnomey / Katie`s Yo-kai Butler
68 | Episode 068 | Gnarly Gnomey / Yo-kai Negasus / Pho-Nate
69 | Episode 069 | Gnew Guy Gnomey / Yo-kai Mynimo / Yo-kai Grumples
70 | Episode 070 | Gnew Guy Gnomey: The Exam Episode / Yo-kai Wotchagot / Hidabat`s Secret
71 | Episode 071 | Gnew Guy Gnomey: The Love Episode / A Yo-kai Holiday! / The High-Fright Zone
72 | Episode 072 | Yo-kai Greesel / Yo-kai Bowminos / Yo-kai No-Go Cart
73 | Episode 073 | Yo-kai Irewig / Yo-kai Mermaidyn / Yo-kai Gush
74 | Episode 074 | Country Folk`ll Try Anything Once: The Electronics Store / Make Vroom for Lil` Swirl
75 | Episode 075 | Country Folk`ll Try Anything Once: The Ramen Stand / Yo-kai Shrook / Yo-kai Chansin
76 | Episode 076 | Country Folk`ll Try Anything Once: The Gym / Yo-kai Rawry / Pandle-monium